Well someone needed to update this site so I thought I would tell ya how life is treating us. It has been three weeks since Brad and I have left Utah and have been living in Tucson. Brad is really enjoying his job. His company really treats him well and Brad really likes his co-workers. I still haven't been able to find a job yet but I'm still looking. Maybe I'm just too picky.
Brad celebrated his 26th birthday yesterday. It was just the two of us and I felt a little uncomfortable singing Happy Birthday all by myself, but it was nice and relaxing. Since Brad worked a 13 hour shift yesterday he really wasn't in the mood to go out so I made him dinner and we watched a movie.
Brad and I have been trying to do a little sight seeing. Over the holiday weekend we went to Old Tucson where they shoot all the cowboy movies like John Wayne, the Three Amigos, and even a film that Ronald Reagan was in. It was fun but the hot weather we had to walk in made us tired. We also went to our nearby Indian Reservation to check out their casino since I am now old enough to gamble. On my first dollar I made $17. So I took Brad out to dinner with the money I made.
Enjoy the weather in Utah because the news said last year Tucson went 39 days of tempertures being over 100 deg. They said this year might be worse. Tomorrow is supposed to be 108 deg. so we'll see... Hope all is well!