Monday, April 24, 2006

My New Perspective

Havyn's happy as a lark

punky Havyn

Our first family portrait

When I'm cruising around Blogger checking out the various blogs I see many a baby-page-blog. Proud parents uploading baby pics by the folder load, and commenting on the ins and outs of their baby's lives. A lot of this stuff is easy, cheesy and quick: a pic and a caption, a pic and a caption and an occasional comment on how exhausted the parent is.

Most of this stuff is universal: baby ate, she was so cute; baby slept and oh how cute she was; baby pooped, and if there wasn't the darndest poop-relief cute expression on her face.

Most of these blogs I came across were set up just for this purpose. And what a purpose indeed. Comedian David Cross has this schtick on one of his CD's where he comments about what it's like to be the non-parent friend to these overly exited parent types. To paraphrase, "Oh my baby was so cute, he ate a grape today, you should have seen him eat this grape." Cross fires four letter worded sarcastic quips, indicating how great it must be to watch your kid eat a grape. He pounds across how little he cares about his friend's kids and their grape eating moments and goes on and on about various related experiences and how he could care less. I laughed my ass off while listening. He definetly had a point. But when you're a parent, no matter how cynical and hip, it's different. Watching this little spasm-frenzied milk spitter smile, laugh and feel the water of a bath for the first time is enchanting. Especially since the proudful humming of the inward thought that "this little bobble-head is mine" replays like a broken record. Every move, either controlled or not is realized as a first, and there's something poetically rich about it.


Unknown said...


Congrats on the kid...quite some confessions there !!! You write really well...I enjoyed your blog this morning more than the Newyork times.

I have reformed too Jack. Cut down on the sticky icky and have gotten myself into long distance running...feels good man.

love and junk,

Unknown said...

Btw, Did you get a chance to watch Syriana ?? I thought the movie was just way too good. Clooney has done it again. Also ended up liking this old movie called Blow ....

Toker Castleberry said...

what up shumit, long time no talky.

i hear your back home, sucks for me, i miss seeing you around on campus and miss shooting the shit.

I saw Leon a while back, he looked good, too good, I could hardly tell it was him. Here is this radical revolutionist wearing an Army shirt and sporting a crew cut, too wierd for me. We grabed some grub and chewed the fat (sounds tastey I know. Let me know what's new. If you come back, don't forget to call.